
“While the impact of [Title IX] would be far-reaching, it is not a panacea, it is, however, an important first step in the effort to provide for the women of America something that is rightfully theirs—an equal chance to attend the schools of their choice, to develop the skills they want, and to apply those skills with the knowledge that they will have a fair chance to secure the jobs of their choice with equal pay for equal work.”

Senator Birch Bayh (1972)

The Gender/Race Imperative aims to revive awareness of the broad capacity of Title IX, the crucial law mandating equal education opportunities for women. We hope it will kick start inquiry to foster legal, policy, and social reforms that enable success in schools and workplaces for girls and women of all races and economic backgrounds. To engage and educate MIT and the broader Boston area community on the role of Title IX in education, particularly for STEM, MIT brings engineers and other scientists together in conversation with lawyers and social scientists to develop multidimensional strategies for promoting equity in STEM. In addition to lectures, there will be open panel programs that engage the audience as participants with presenters in responding to the gender and race disparities in STEM fields.